“Siamese twin:
Head to head …
Belly to belly …
Sex to sex …
They weren’t generated in the same placenta, but in the same planet …
Some of them are connected by the body …
They are connected through heart … mind … and soul!
1 + 1 = 1″
About the artists: T. Angel and Aline Torchia met each other in 2005 at the University and since then held several jobs together. In the same year, held their first performance, this first “art piece” was a kind of pre-shool of limits and possibilities for both of them.
About the project: The intention of the artists T. Angel and Aline Torchia with the project “2gether 4ever – Siameses” is ritualize and perpetuate through performance their connections and great friendship. It’s a huge demonstration of love and dedication from one to each other.
The artists mix their bodies through free movement, causing a slight visual confusion. At some moments you don’t know where one begins and/or the other ends. There is no end for both of them. No limits at all!
You won’t know which part of the body belongs to another, creating a discussion about the body as an individual property, when exists some kinds of relationships.
The artists work the idea of the capacity of combine and transform two into one.
The Siamese twins, are those one who are connected by a part of the body, or have a part of the body common to both. Gemini linked.
The Siamese artists have something a bit peculiar that connects and unify them, their heart, mind and soul . Artists linked.
Technical Information
Author: T. Angel.
Photography: Walter Oikawa.
Performers: T. Angel and Aline Torchia.
Edition + Post Production: Walter Oikawa and T. Angel.
Set: 40 photos
September, 2008
Cai aqui de pára-quedas enquanto fazia uma das minhas buscas periódicas por material para o meu próprio blog (cuja temática é outra, mas com pontos de convergência). E não pude deixar de parar um pouquinho para uns merecidos elogios. O site é espetacular! O melhor que já encontrei sobre body art e body modification. Ao menos da minha perspectiva, um semi-leigo muito curioso que gosta de algo mais do que montes de imagens e textos superficiais. Minha única crítica é que (não sei se só aqui) o site carrega com dificuldade, o que atrapalha um pouco saltar pelos posts (minha internet não é lenta, é 10M), mas isso é só técnico, o conteúdo é apaixonante. Esse post em particular, além de lindo em todos os aspectos, é particularmente adorável pra mim, como talvez você perceba se visitar meu blog. Lindo, lindo. Vai direto para os favoritos =)